Stay up to date on the best Great Salt Lake journalism and events. 


Read our past newsletters: 

March 14, 2025: LDS Church adding water-saving tech at churches

March 11, 2025: Great Salt Lake bills that passed and failed

March 7, 2025: Dust monitoring excluded from Utah budget 

Feb. 28, 2025: $50 million for Great Salt Lake at risk

Feb. 21, 2025: This bill could stop the decline of Great Salt Lake

Feb. 14, 2025: A new way to learn about the Great Salt Lake's health

Feb. 7, 2025: Why saving water on Utah farms may not help ecosystems

Jan. 31, 2025: Hundreds rally in support of the Great Salt Lake

Jan. 24, 2025: Does Utah's governor saves water on his farm?

Jan. 17, 2025: Why GSL needs more air quality monitors

Jan. 10, 2025: Who visits Great Salt Lake?

Dec. 26, 2024: Our most engaging stories of 2024

Dec. 20, 2024: Looking back on 2024 for Great Salt Lake

Dec. 13, 2024: Is development a threat to Great Salt Lake?

Dec. 6, 2024: Can desalination work for Utah?

Nov. 22, 2024: Alternatives to growing alfalfa in Utah

Nov. 15, 2024: Custody battle over the Colorado River

Nov. 8, 2024: How will Trump affect Great Salt Lake?

Nov. 1, 2024: An Olympics-themed protest for the lake's future

Oct. 25, 2024: 🦬 64 species of the Great Salt Lake

Oct. 18, 2024: Lawmaker plans to pause water legislation
Oct. 11, 2024: Another 'game changer' water year for the lake
Oct. 4, 2024: One church's contribution to lake-saving efforts
Sept. 27, 2024: Has conservation fatigue arrived?
Sept. 20, 2024: Research findings on lakebed toxins
Sept. 13, 2024: A water-saving method few use
Sept. 6, 2024: A milestone water agreement
Aug. 30, 2024: Could a new study spur action for GSL?
Aug. 23, 2024: Stylish water-wise alternatives to lawns
Aug. 16, 2024: Spiders are helping scientists study lake pollution
Aug. 9, 2024: How to turn saving water into a game
Aug. 2, 2024: "I don't know": Knowledge gaps about lake dust
July 26, 2024: Can cows help the Great Salt Lake?
July 19, 2024: Get paid to rip out your lawn, a user guide.
July 12, 2024: Lake-effect drought? Shrinking lake may lead to less rain.
July 5, 2024: Why tour a bird refuge from your car.
June 21, 2024: Here's how you feel about your lawn.
June 14, 2024: This Saturday: Visit Great Salt Lake for free: Water and Sailfest return to Great Salt Lake.
June 7, 2024: Share your feelings about your lawn: Do you baby it or rip it out?
May 31, 2024: Why we're adding more water coverage.
May 24, 2024: Surprising history and sexualization of brine shrimp
May 17, 2024: Share your climate fiction about Great Salt Lake. Plus, GSL license plate is now a reality
May 10, 2024: New lake license plate still needs support. "Couple dozen" more needed to sign up
May 3, 2024: Row, hunt, play at Great Salt Lake: Special recreation edition
April 19, 2024:  Utah's youth: Taking charge on the lake. Why and how youth are getting involved in Great Salt Lake issues
April 12, 2024: Free copies of Terry Tempest Williams' "Refuge." Join our Great Salt Lake book club.
April 5, 2024: What are your concert memories from Saltair? Post Malone once called it a "dope venue" that "kinda stinks."
March 29, 2024: Are phalaropes our canary in the coal mine? Endangered species listing sought to save Great Salt Lake
March 22, 2024: A Republican and Democrat step onto a boat: Reporting on bipartisanship and from Antelope Island and St. George.
March 15, 2024: New 5-year plan to get water to GSL
March 8, 2024: Water conservation and the 2024 Utah Legislature: A comprehensive guide.
March 1, 2024: How do you grade Utah lawmakers' GSL efforts?
Feb. 23, 2024: GSL turf battle about, well, grass
Feb. 16, 2024: Lake as legacy/lake as future: Call for community anthology submissions 
Feb. 9, 2024: Is drying GSL "legal nuclear bomb"?
Feb. 2, 2024: Remove (some) grass, kill weeds, study Utah Lake: Budget requests for Great Salt Lake
Jan. 26, 2024: How to track Great Salt Lake legislation. Plus lessons from the Aral Sea
Jan. 19, 2024: Utah's plan: Three decades to raise GSL 5.4 feet: First strategic plan for the lake released. Utah's plan: Three decades to raise GSL 5.4 feet. First strategic plan for the lake released.
Jan. 12, 2024: How are artists responding to the GSL?
Jan. 5, 2024: Will Utah pay farmers to send water to the lake? Plus why we should pay attention to lake smells.
Dec. 22, 2023: What's planned for GSL in 2024.
Dec. 15, 2023: How to recreate Great Salt Lake's heyday. Plus: What are the top stories about the lake?
Dec. 13, 2023: Sign up now for GSL book club. Read "Science be Dammed" for January.
Dec. 8, 2023: How the Great Salt Lake can help feed the world
Dec. 1, 2023: Could saving water for GSL improve mental health? Thinking about water in city development could lead to more connected Utahns
Nov. 17, 2023: Utah is buying land for Bear River Development pipeline. Bear River is key tributary for Great Salt Lake
Nov. 10, 2023: Saving water on the farm: Special report on how state money is being spent
Nov. 3, 2023: Calling all student artists and bird photographers: Great Salt Lake contests launching
Oct. 27, 2023: Poll: Utah leaders should do more for the lake
Oct. 20, 2023: Could we get another Spiral Jetty? Salt Lake City wins $1 million for GSL public art
Oct. 13, 2023: How to save the GSL? Poll says limit development
Oct. 6, 2023: 'Our state is up to the task': New initiative seeks to solve Great Salt Lake's woes
Sept. 29, 2023: Great Salt Lake ranks as a top priority. SLC and Ogden mayoral candidates agree
Sept. 22, 2023: The price tag to fix GSL dust = $1.5B. Plus what about the north arm of the lake?
Sept. 15, 2023:  Full moons, 🧛vampire mosquitoes, "pink water and white, sparkly foam." How you like to recreate at Great Salt Lake
Sept. 8, 2023: Would you swim in the Great Salt Lake? Scientists say it's safe.
Sept. 6, 2023: Breaking: Lawsuit filed demanding action to save the Great Salt Lake.
Sept. 1, 2023: Make Great Salt Lake art and help clean its shores
Aug. 25, 2023: Burning questions for mayoral candidates? What should we ask SLC and Ogden candidates?
Aug. 18, 2023: How will the inland port affect GSL? Plus: Collab on air quality and the west side.
Aug. 11, 2023: Show your love for the lake with a license plate
July 21, 2023: A summer reading list from the Great Salt Lake Collab. Plus news from GSL Summit.
July 14, 2023: Announcement: A new water bookclub
July 7, 2023: After record snow, where are lake levels heading?
June 30, 2023: ðŸ«£ I use how much water!? Plus connecting GSL to Argentina through art.
June 23, 2023: Learn how to help Great Salt Lake. People's Summit is July 15.
June 16, 2023: Poll shows less concern for Great Salt Lake. Plus: GSL dust speeds snowmelt
June 9, 2023: Brine flies are back! (That's a good thing).
June 2, 2023: Will Utah ban watering?
May 26 2023: Vacation at the Great Salt Lake + How to make a GSL-friendly yard
May 19, 2023: "We can't have the yards we've had" 
May 12, 2023: What does a saved Great Salt Lake look like?
May 5, 2023: How to qualify for Utah's grass rebate
April 28, 2023: Donate to the Great Salt Lake + Why we went to Israel
April 21, 2023:  Enter to win $$ for your input on Collab future
April 14, 2023: Which Utah golf courses save water?
April 7, 2023: 3 actions to save GSL (What the lake's "superhero" has to say).
March 31, 2023: Can dance save the Great Salt Lake?
March 23, 2023: Hopeful or hopeless about Great Salt Lake?
March 17, 2023: What is the state doing about lake dust?
March 10, 2023: Why farmers say Great Salt Lake Legislation is "epic."
March 3, 2023: Final week of the Legislature: Will water get to Great Salt Lake in time?
Feb. 24, 2023: Week 6 of the Legislature: Should Utah ban overwatering and conserve water at schools?
Feb. 17, 2023: Week 5 of the Legislature: A Great Salt Lake Czar. Will brine shrimp = seagulls?
Feb. 10, 2023: Week 4 of the Legislature: Tree thinning won't help. But maybe the LDS Church can?
Feb. 3, 2023: Week 3 of the Legislature: What happened with Water Week?
Jan. 27, 2023: Week 2 of the Legislature. What's happening to GSL on Utah's Capitol Hill?
Jan. 19, 2023: A Dire Warning for GSL—and ways to help.
Jan. 1, 2023: How are the snow storms affecting the lake? + DEQ denies controversial project.
Dec. 22, 2022: Cloud seeding to save GSL? + Hope for Bear River