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The Great Salt Lake has shrunk to the lowest levels ever recorded. Through rigorous journalism, innovative storytelling and unique community outreach, the Great Salt Lake Collaborative explores solutions to save this critical body of water.

The Great Salt Lake Collaborative: A Solutions Journalism Initiative

We are group of news, education and media organizations that have come together to better inform and engage the public about the crisis facing the Great Salt Lake — and what can be done to make a difference before it is too late.


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02-07-2025 by Heather May

Editor's note: This story is an excerpt from the Great Salt Lake Collaborative's weekly newsletter, Lake Effect from Feb. 7, 2025. To keep u...

Fox 13

02-06-2025 by Ben Winslow

SALT LAKE CITY — Some of Utah's most powerful people gathered outside the Capitol building before sunrise on Thursday, sipping cocoa and obs...


02-06-2025 by David Condos

Water is precious to Dwight Brinkerhoff. Over the decades he’s farmed in Wayne County, the goal has been to stretch water supplies. “It is...

St. George News

02-05-2025 by Mori Kessler

Water reuse – water recycling – is touted as one of the ways Washington County will be able to meet its water supply needs over the next 20...


02-04-2025 by Cathy McKitrick

Millions of migratory birds representing 338 species from every country in the Americas make their way to the Great Salt Lake each year to r...

01-31-2025 by Carter Williams

SALT LAKE CITY — The Great Salt Lake experienced a welcome rebound in recent years and could stand to benefit again with another normal snow...

Great Salt Lake Collaborative

01-31-2025 by Heather May

Editor's note: This story is an excerpt from the Great Salt Lake Collaborative's weekly newsletter, Lake Effect from Jan. 31, 2025. To keep...

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