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Great Salt Lake so low, water level measurement system no longer works
10-26-2022 by Ben Winslow
SALT LAKE CITY — The Great Salt Lake has dropped to such a low level, the U.S. Geological Survey's measuring system at the marina no longer...
The memory of Great Salt Lake runs deep, even if the water doesn’t
10-24-2022 by McKenzie Romero
Why Utah reporters are teaming up with their competitors to tell the lake’s stories — and search for solutions At 98 years old, Alice Telf...
How did Utahns react when the Great Salt Lake hit its previous record low in 1963?
10-24-2022 by Carter Williams
SALT LAKE CITY — Craig Miller was recently rifling through some old Utah water documents destined to be destroyed when he came across a pecu...
Property tax bill could end a free ride for many water users in Utah's drought
10-22-2022 by Ben Winslow
SALT LAKE CITY — A major bill unveiled on Utah's Capitol Hill could dramatically change how water is paid for in the state. The bill was...
Why isn't the state monitoring Great Salt Lake's dust?
10-12-2022 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue
Is Utah behind the curve when it comes to dust mitigation from the drying Great Salt Lake? Owens Lake in California, once the nation’s lar...
‘Just add water and stir’ — Owens Lake shows Utahns that even when salty lakes hit their lowest point, they can recover
10-12-2022 by Leia Larsen
Lone Pine, Calif. — Those from afar who hear the story of Owens Lake getting drained dry might consider it a tragedy. But those who have spe...
Can the Great Salt Lake and its dust pollution derail Utah military operations? Officials look for answers.
10-12-2022 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue
Lone Pine, Calif — At Owens Lake in California, once the nation’s most notorious site for dust pollution so intense you could taste it in yo...
To balance its competing needs, is it time to follow Mono Lake's lead and mandate an elevation for the Great Salt Lake?
10-12-2022 by Leia Larsen
In September 1981, a group of 11 cyclists collected vials of water from a Los Angeles utility’s decorative reflecting pool and biked 350 mil...
Hope for Owens and why the Great Salt Lake presents a challenge beyond Mono and Owens
10-12-2022 by Max Roth
Now is the time to take action to save the Great Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY — The Wasatch Front is on the precipice, poised to do one of t...
When it comes to saving terminal lakes like the Great Salt Lake, understanding every drop in the watershed matters
10-11-2022 by Leia Larsen
Lee Vining, Calif. • Geoff McQuilkin trekked toward a dam on Lee Vining Creek, fish leaping to catch bugs at a nearby pond, the peaks of Yos...
Five things to know about Mono Lake
10-11-2022 by Leia Larsen
Like the Great Salt Lake, Mono Lake is too salty for fish, which means brine shrimp thrive. But the lakes have different species of shrimp:...
The public trust doctrine prevented Mono Lake from drying up. Could it be used to save the Great Salt Lake?
10-11-2022 by Leia Larsen
Lee Vining, Calif. • Amid climate change and growing water demands that are withering terminal lakes away, Mono Lake carries a rare hopeful...
Mono Lake and a possible roadmap to secure GSL's right to exist
10-11-2022 by Max Roth
Owens Lake: A marvel of engineering and an environmental disaster
10-10-2022 by Max Roth
Until the 20th century, the only way water left the Great Basin was through evaporation. Then, a giant city decided to take control of a riv...
California salt lakes offer warnings signs and hope for Great Salt Lake
10-10-2022 by Keira Farrimond
SALT LAKE CITY — As Utahns look for ways to save the shrinking Great Salt Lake, there are two other salt lakes to our west that we can look...
Deseret News & Salt Lake Tribune
A dusty tale in California and words of wisdom for Utah as the Great Salt Lake shrinks
10-10-2022 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue, Deseret News | Leia Larsen, The Salt Lake Tribune
Owens Dry Lakebed, Calif. — The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began siphoning the waters of the 110-square-mile Owens Lake in 19...
The people living near Owens Lake endured decades of toxic dust. Here’s why they stayed.
10-10-2022 by Leia Larsen
Lone Pine, Calif. • The area around Owens Lake holds a certain kind of magnetism. There’s the spectacular Sierra Nevada to the west, crown...
Five things to know about Owens Lake
10-10-2022 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue
what makes Owens Lake in California different, but similar to Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Like Owens Lake, the Great Salt Lake is a terminal...
What Utah can learn from the monumental effort to reduce dust at Owens Lake
10-10-2022 by Leia Larsen
Keeping emissions at bay on the Great Salt Lake’s exposed bed will take a mosaic of solutions. And it will be very, very expensive. Owens...
The Great Salt Lake isn’t just for the birds — it’s part of a water network that ties Utah to the rest of the West and the world
10-09-2022 by Leia Larsen
This Great Salt Lake Collaborative story is part of day one of our series, “At water’s edge: Searching for solutions at the Great Salt Lake’...
Pitfalls and possibilities: A video introduction to the project
10-09-2022 by Max Roth
This Great Salt Lake Collaborative story is part of day one of our series, “At water’s edge: Searching for solutions at the Great Salt Lake’...
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