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How much water does your golf course use?
04-10-2023 by Leia Larsen
Here is a spreadsheet with water data for all of Utah's golf courses. Compiled by The Salt Lake Tribune and Great Salt Lake Collaborative.
Utah golf courses say they’re reducing water use. Some can prove it.
04-10-2023 by Leia Larsen
Golfers say their sport gets a bad rap. Water use data shows some courses conserve better than others. Utahns rallied in recent years to r...

Utah in 'uncharted territory' with record-breaking snow, Cox warns
04-06-2023 by Ben Winslow
ST. GEORGE, Utah — As snowstorms continue to hit Utah, Governor Spencer Cox warned counties to prepare for the potential for flooding. "I'...

Great Salt Lake rises 3 feet above historic low set in November
04-06-2023 by Jeff Tavvs
SALT LAKE CITY — During this unprecedented Utah winter, many are wondering how much the snowfall will help end the state's drought and fill...
What vital signs will show us that the Great Salt Lake is improving?
04-05-2023 by Saige Miller KUER
Utah’s record-setting winter has been exciting for both skiers and lawmakers working to revive the ailing Great Salt Lake. Gov. Spencer Cox...

Utah's snowpack is now 201% of normal and climbing
04-05-2023 by Ben Winslow
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah's statewide average for snowpack is now 201% of normal, according to the Department of Natural Resources. The latest...

Great Salt Lake Solutions vs. Utah Legislative Action
03-23-2023 by Heather May
Scroll through this graphic to learn what solutions the Great Salt Lake Collaborative reported on over the past year and what Utah lawmakers...
Great Salt Lake rises 2 feet since historic low
03-23-2023 by Jeff Tavvs
SALT LAKE CITY — The Great Salt Lake is already the beneficiary of the epic snowfall totals gathered around the state this winter. Accordi...
LDS Church says it plans more Great Salt Lake, water conservation measures
03-23-2023 by Ben Winslow
Following a massive donation of water shares to help save the Great Salt Lake, a high-ranking official with The Church of Jesus Christ of La...
Mormon Church donates water shares to aid the Great Salt Lake
03-16-2023 by Kim Bojórquez
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will donate 20,000 acre-feet of water to the Great Salt Lake in an attempt to save the shrin...
LDS Church to permanently donate thousands of acre-feet of water to the Great Salt Lake
03-16-2023 by Leia Larsen
The gift has been months in the making, and represents the first major private sector commitment to saving the imperiled lake. The Church...
Governor signs Great Salt Lake bills into law
03-16-2023 by Ben Winslow
SALT LAKE CITY — Governor Spencer Cox and Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson signed a series of bills into law aimed at water conservation and sa...
Church of Jesus Christ donates 5.7K water shares to the Great Salt Lake
03-15-2023 by Carter Williams
SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has agreed to donate 5,700 water shares that will send more than 20,000 acr...
LDS Church donates water to Great Salt Lake
03-15-2023 by Ben Winslow
This story has been updated: SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a major property owner in the state of Utah...
Great Salt Lake dust events, Utah ozone issues get monitoring money
03-15-2023 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue
Utah’s pollution problems get a state funding boost to help clear the skies The Utah Air Quality Division’s technical team will begin revi...
Even with massive snowpack, conservation key to Utah's drought and Great Salt Lake
03-15-2023 by Ben Winslow
LOGAN, Utah — With significant snowpack in the mountains all over the state, some communities are being told to prepare for potential floodi...
Farmers are skeptical about participating in water leasing to save the Great Salt Lake. Here’s why.
03-14-2023 by Leia Larsen
Agriculture is often criticized as the state’s biggest water user, but irrigators face mounting pressure from rapid urban growth. Dan Harr...
Ambitious initiatives and shorebirds connect two saline lakes hemispheres apart
03-09-2023 by Aimee Van Tatenhove
Laguna Mar Chiquita is a large saline lake in central Argentina. Much like Great Salt Lake, Mar Chiquita hosts millions of migratory birds e...
Shift in Utah water law could be ‘game changer’ for the Great Salt Lake
03-09-2023 by Amy Joi O’Donoghue
Utah Farm Bureau says new law is a game changer in agricultural water use Critics panned the Utah Legislature for failing to set a target...

Bill restricting grass at new government facilities fails on last day
03-03-2023 by Alexis Perno
Rep. Doug Owens’ bill to restrict turf on new government facilities failed in the Senate this afternoon with a 14 to 10 vote. Floor spons...

A major air quality bill just got revived and is passing the Utah legislature
03-03-2023 by Ben Winslow
SALT LAKE CITY — In the final hours of the Utah State Legislature, a major air quality bill was resurrected and is likely to pass. House B...
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