Utah Legislature

Lawmakers turn to Utah Lake to help rescue Great Salt Lake. Will dredging be part of the solution?
LDS Church says it plans more Great Salt Lake, water conservation measures
Mineral companies use 7% of Great Salt Lake’s water. Here’s how a bill would change their business.
Mining company responds to concerns about its plans at Great Salt Lake, but lawmakers aren’t happy
Money sought to map groundwater in Utah’s Cache Valley
Monthly Utah Clean Air Caucus meeting focuses on Great Salt Lake
More exposed Great Salt Lake bed means increased dust storms, officials warn
More than 1,200 rally to pressure Utah leaders to save the Great Salt Lake
Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society to head Utah's new $40M Great Salt Lake program
New analysis says Great Salt Lake can be saved, but not without great effort, and expense
New bill would create a Great Salt Lake commissioner — but some have concerns
New proposal pays Utah farmers to send water to Great Salt Lake
New report offers 'hope' that Great Salt Lake can be saved, but it'll be a 'complicated effort'
Panel votes to exempt small water districts of 2,500 or less from metering
Per Capita water consumption bill passed in House
Property tax bill could end a free ride for many water users in Utah's drought
RadioACTive 03.17.22 with FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake
Report outlines new policies, analyzes possible solutions to help the Great Salt Lake
Reports call for more water saving measures and help for the Great Salt Lake
Researchers, environmental groups call for 'emergency rescue' of Great Salt Lake